CEO of FC Shakhtar: We hope to start the preparatory process in late June

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Source: FC Shakhtar

FC Shakhtar CEO Sergei Palkin and Director of Football Darijo Srna met with Vadym Huttsait, the Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine

At the meeting, they discussed the results of the Shakhtar Global Tour for Peace, during which it was possible to raise a significant part of the 25.6 million hryvnias raised by the club to support Ukraine. They also considered further possible options for charitable assistance.

Sergei Palkin, CEO of FC Shakhtar:

“I would like to thank the Ministry of Youth and Sports, represented by Vadym Huttsait, who permitted us to hold this tour. It is very important for us to help Ukraine, help the army, help refugees and all those affected by the war. We want to continue this path. This is important both financially – in terms of raising funds to support Ukraine, and image wise. Our objective is to show the whole of Europe, the whole world what is happening in this war, what Russian soldiers are doing. This is one of the important aspects that we are trying to convey these days. And, hopefully, we will continue to do so.

All the games that we will play in the future, regardless of whether they are friendly matches or competitive games in the Champions League – they will all be aimed at supporting Ukraine, both image wise and in terms of fundraising. Of course, we must prepare for the Champions League, and our preparation will be done right through that kind of charity matches. We hope to start the preparatory process in late June, holding those matches in July and August and doing our job. Everyone must contribute to the victory of our country nowadays. If we can be useful, we must do so.

We talked about the continuation of the Championship. I think this is an important aspect from the point of view of preserving both the national team and the Ukrainian league. These factors are important because, as I said, it provides financial support to our country and one of the main aspects is image. We must show that Ukraine continues to hold the league, Ukraine continues to fight, Ukraine continues to win. And we must demonstrate that to the whole world.”

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