UPL: Oleksandria gets a difficult victory over Metalist-1925

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Saturday program of the second round of the UPL ended with the match between Oleksandria and Metalist-1925.

The game started an hour and 15 minutes late due to an air raid warning and was not rich in scoring chances. In fact, the only one of them led to the winning goal of the hosts - after a corner kick Baboglo assisted Shulyansky.

2023-24, Ukraine - Premier League

FC Oleksandriya - Metalist 1925 1:0 (1:0)
Goals: Shulianskyi, 37 (1:0)

FC Oleksandriya: Shevchenko M.; Baboglo; Lohinov; Bieliaiev Ol. (Skorko, 88); Shulianskyi (Kaliuzhnyi, 64); Kalitvintsev V.; Kopyna; Plaksa (Avagimian, 64); Siheev; Smirniy (Savchenko R., 73); Kulakov A. (Andreychuk, 73)
Bench: Yermakov H.; Dolhyi; Melnyk; Vashchenko; Bazaiev; Matyushenko; Pohorilyi
Yellow Cards: Kulakov A. 36; Siheev 93

Metalist 1925: Mozil; Zhychykov; Bezuhlyi; Tkachuk Y.; Kapinus; Yusov (Ari Moura, 60); Tkachuk A. (Chyruk, 86); Rusyn R.; Habelok; Bychek (Vachiberadze, 66); Sydorov Ol.
Bench: Sydorenko; Potimkov; Kovalenko I.; Rudavskyy M.; Chervak; Abdullaiev; Igor; Dmytrenko Vl.; Ostrovskyi V.
Yellow Cards: Tkachuk Y. 64

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